Learning Objectives
- Analysis of current needs for information and monitoring of the Supply Chain operations
Description of the basic information technologies for Supply Chain management Analysis of required information technology infrastructure - Understanding of the pre-requisites and implementation stages of current technologies
Key terms
- Supply Chain operations
- Tracking systems
- Data capturing systems
- Warehouse management systems
- Fleet management systems
- Optimization systems
- extranets
- e-procurement
Learning Objectives
- to comprehend the basic concepts of Electronic Commerce
- to understand the differences of the e-commerse types
- to understand the benefits of e-commerce for businesses and customers
- to comprehend the concepts of m-commerce and L-commerce
- e-commerce
- m-commerce
- L-commerce
- B2B, B2C, B2E, C2C
Learning Objectives
- to comprehend the basic concepts of e-government
- to understand the fundamental objectives of e-government
- to understand the interaction types of e-government
- to know the levels of a typical Maturity Model
Electronic government Interaction types Maturity models